Hex colors in TinyStarter
TinyStarter has been updated to be able to show hex colors. Simply input hex codes as starting with a # and then 3 or 6 hex decimals (#ABC or #ABCDEF) and it will display the color.
TinyStarter has been updated to be able to show hex colors. Simply input hex codes as starting with a # and then 3 or 6 hex decimals (#ABC or #ABCDEF) and it will display the color.
The main window can now be reset to default screen position from the right menu or the system tray menu. I found some minor bugs in the new folder setting window that has now been resolved. In addition I made improvements to the indexing of files. As always, restart TinyStarter to get the new version. Enjoy!
TinyStarter can now add any folders to index with your pick of extensions!
Added the possibility to get hash codes for MD5, SHA1 and SHA256. Simply drop a file in the main window to get hash values. I was about to create a new application because I wanted something easy to get hash codes for files. But then Jan came up with the idea to place it in […]
I added the possibility to start command lines with TinyStarter. Start typing the command type follow by the command you want to run. Commands run: or r: cmd: or c: admin: or a: to run with elevated privileges “c: cmd” will start the command promt to start the command prompt as administrator use “a:cmd” instead. […]
Added SQLite for performance enhancement and for better handling of new features. All old stored data is now moved to the database. This will improve startup since all index links don’t need to be refreshed on each startup and indexing will run in a background thread. Statistics has been added. Add counter for latest apps and […]
I’ve done major refactoring for future improvements to TinyStarter. It now has an advanced math calculator, all math operators is explained in the page for TinyStarter. I added a math helper that will display example text on how to use the different versions, like code completion in different code tools (IDE), as you type. You […]
For an even quicker start for the most used applications, I added functionality to show the latest started application. Simply by pressing up or down arrow when the search field is empty the latest applications will be visible.
Due to some error, when using the menu for “check and install update”, that didn’t launch the updated application I reworked the updated function. There is now only a Check for updates option and it will check if an update is available and notify. To install the update relaunch the application. The notification icon changes to show […]
After getting tired of always moving my timer app to the same position on the screen, I finally had enough and made it remember where I last used it. It will now start where it was last moved. In addition I also made sure only one instance of the application can run at once. Maybe I will […]